Discover Ungaran!!, High Mountain In Middle Java

A beautiful morning we're sitting surrounding a round table discuss something very good to do in the future to fill our holiday in a complete and perfect way, and something wonderful finally came across by in our mind "why we didn't try to exploring mountain?" what a superb idea right! but sadly it still a question till a few days from we decided,it took so long time for us to "say yes" in it, but that was very good idea right? and it has been issues for days in ours, that eventually we all had reach the deals together. and we come as new comer, actually not us just some of us, that i clearly remember that was the first my friends doing their first hiking experience, but no about me it was my second time i experience in it.

Our first discuss time we started to think about which place we could explore, from the beautiful and the extreme some stuff we consider, and as new people in this case,our brave are not too high to explore the mountain with high extreme levels, we just consider the middle levels, and also we looking for place that close to our city, and finally we decided that ungaran mountain. ungaran mountain is located at umbul sidomukti,ungaran city,which is ungaran is one of the members of Semarang residency,or we could take a ride by car or motorcycle for persistence estimated spend time about 1,5 hours and we go south all along the way if we start from Simpang Lima,Central Semarang. we could stop until we could see gateway which written "SELAMAT DATANG DI UMBUL SIDOMUKTI,UNGARAN"

Our journey started from this gate
We don't want to put ourselves in danger situation of course, we need a guide,yes we need it just because we all are bunch of amateur people who tried spend our holiday much impress and different than we've done before,and we really happy that my school had an extra activity called ARGAPETA,ARGAPETA is a group in our school which contained persons who loves environment very much, mostly the members are proffesional in hiking, and turns out one of us already knew one of the member of ARGAPETA, and we made some conversation then and tell him to pick us to the top of the mountain, after we reach a deal then we looking for the right time to do our strike.

Go to the top of this mountain like what i was predict before, there's no such a "big wall" that hold us to going up and up, and we step our feet so softly and good, we don't really force us to reach the top as fast as possible, we try as good as we can, when while we climb up the mountain we had some decreasing of our energy, without any words we took a rest, we had some lil chit-chat between our rest time,we threw some jokes each other to get the strength back, and maybe some of water that we can refill it from nature source, and of course it taste much different. 

It takes about 5 hours until we can reach the PROMASAN village that near to the top of the mountain, there are so many hikers stand their camping tent and take a rest wait and sleep until they can continue the journey right away before the sunset, so they can take an advantage continue the journey in fit and reach the top just right in sunset momment that takes about additional 3 hours. Also never forget to bring camera because if you just forget, it means you doing a very fatal mistake!

When we arrived at the village the time showing in around 12 pm, it means right 5 hours from the spot we start to hike in mawar area, as we started it at right at 7 pm, so the plan is i stand our tent take a rest until 4 pm and continue to the top, in a momment  we can leave our package in the village, just to make the stuff we bring in a best effective weight loads, only necessary stuff which is really usefull and leave all unnecessary things in tent, and also anticipate the difficult tracks that could take many times to get through it and much worst if we bring too many loads.

One of our backpack that could guarantee us to stay alive
If you a thropical person, you're not going to hold a very cold mountain temparature in bellow of 10 degree unless a very thick jacket, and the wind going deeper through your skin pore just to touch your bones and totally make you messed, thats what we feel in the morning we wake up in our tent. Just imagine we just got arrived at 12 pm and wake up in 4 pm to continue, the condition is force us to forget what we have done before, and have to look fresh whatever how the way is, and it's fine we can take it.

No much time to sleep, and we looks like a deadbody
Just the first step i always wonder the beatifull scenery that will serve in the the top, but i have to get there soon because if we miss the sunset, means that we totally loosing the point of all this, and back with no result, but when we go for that we realized that the track is twice harder that the journy from the previous distance, we keep walking, crawling, touching the ground that quite similar with an ice cube, no way we say give up because that is prohibitted to say, until finally we arrived at the top right in sunset momment, all peoples was there gather bring their own camera, and never forget about mine too, and when the sunset in the perfect shape, fix WE GET PAID BACK!

And the scenery with the sunrise is absolutely paid us back for our suffer
From top with love
Look at those scenery this absolutely  something what i need after hours we spent, tired, and messed with the weather finally we're here!! No much words spitted from our mouth all i could say is amazing, soon i grab my camera and taking the pictures, im not waste my time, the sunset is still going and thats the best momment to taking pictures. This mountain so far really gave me the best impression of our lives, so many philossophy that we can learn, and as lesson to apply in the real world.

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